Kacy Klima

Welcome everyone to Faith
and Purpose podcast.

Each episode of this podcast contains the
personal testimony of an ordinary person

transformed by an extraordinary God.

My name is Kaelyn and I'm
here to introduce this podcast

for my friend Jesse Duke.

Jesse is a husband, father, author,
life recovery guide, lay counselor,

and small group leader, but his
most important role is disciple.

As a disciple of Jesus.

Jesse created this podcast to help other
believers tell their faith stories.

We'll be hearing the personal
testimonies of all sorts of people

who have one thing in common,
Jesus has transformed their lives.

Jesus used parables because he created
us to learn best through story.

And as we listen to how God has worked
in others lives, we find encouragement

and inspiration for our own faith walk.

Whether you are already a believer or
just a curious seeker, we believe that

as you listen to these stories, you will
be encouraged on your own faith journey.

We are sure that God can speak to you
through one of these episodes and that you

will see that our heavenly father truly
works all things together for our good.

When we simply love and trust him.

If you are currently going through a
trial, we believe that you will come

to see that your troubles, heartbreaks,
and failures are not gravestones, but

stepping stones into new life in Christ.

Here's Jesse with today's guest.

Kacy: welcome everybody to
Faith and Purpose Podcast.

Today I'm very happy to have a new
friend, Casey Klima, to tell her story,

and I'm really looking forward to it.

How are you doing today, Casey?

Jesse: I'm great.

Thanks for having me, Jesse.

Kacy: you just start wherever you
want to and give us your, Jesus story.

Jesse: Yeah.

I think my relationship with God
it started, when I was little, my

parents brought me to Catholic church.

I was baptized.

I had my first communion.

My mom's family was very involved
in this Catholic churches.

My grandfather was a deacon.

And so he was very involved.

my mom grew up going to the same church.

My dad, when they got
married in that church.

they, they attended since I was a baby.

And so I grew up probably the
first 10 years of my life going

to Catholic church, to CCD.

my favorite part about church was
singing because I love to sing.

And so I would go to, mass and sing
and the women in front of me would

turn around and they'd say, Oh,
you have such a beautiful voice.

And I loved the singing, the hymns.

I loved the, I even loved the
rituals of it, the tradition of it.

you knew what you were
going to do every mass.

It was pretty similar.

You would kneel, you would
pray, you would hug you we would

attend, their fundraisers and.

I have good memories of those things.

it was a good time.

every Sunday, it was not the best
to get up so early and get ready.

But I really, once I was
there, I was always happy.

I saw my family.

I saw our friends.

it was a time where I have
good memories overall.

I especially loved that my grandpa was
the one to, give me my first communion.

That was exciting.

I loved dressing up and
all that kind of thing.

I just, I have good memories of that,
but unfortunately, that didn't last.

What happened was my
grandparents got divorced.

That set of grandparents that were
involved in that church and my grandmother

left my grandfather for a woman that
we knew who also went to our church.

That had been a long time family friends.

And so the church did not.

prove of this dynamic, when,
divorce into, a gay relationship.

And so we stopped attending and
I just remember being sad, like,

why can't I go, church, church.

And my mom explained it to me a
little bit, as much as she could.

I was 10 years old, around 10 at the time.

And, yeah, it was hard.

I just think that was the beginning of
something that, that really shaped the

rest of my journey, because after that,
we did start attending another church.

It's called Unity Church.

And so I, we would go there and.

We would only go about like once a
month because it was like an hour

drive or maybe an hour and 15 drive.

It was really far.

There weren't many of them in
the Chicago area where I grew up.

And so we would go and I
would go and I just hated it.

I hated it.

I hated it because I didn't like that.

There was no, my familiar thing,
like where's the meal, where's

the singing, like what I love.

There was singing, but
it weren't songs I knew.


it was just totally different.

It was like a woman, preaching
there was, it was small.

There were only like 30 to 40 people
maybe in the service where i'm used

to like over a hundred there was no
communion like their children's program.

I felt was completely different
I was just like I don't like it,

I would go my grandma would be
there Her partner would be there.

My parents would be going my brother
would go You We would go to breakfast

after, that was my favorite part of it,
going to breakfast after the service.

yeah, we started attending that.

We went there for a few years.

And, in that church, it's
a very different teaching.

Jesus was, like, in the church, they
had a cross and things like that and

stained glass, but it wasn't at all,

Familiar, like the
teaching was not the same.

in this church, they did not teach sin.

They did not teach hell.

They're very, LGBTQ friendly, which is
why my family was drawn to going there.

they, it was just very different.

They didn't teach the same things, which
my mom, at the time was very, happy about.

She told me around that time that
she never really believed in hell.

She didn't understand why God
would send people to hell.

she introduced me to things,
Miguel Don Ruiz, I think.

I've literally forgotten so
many things, but he was like

a writer on, like mindfulness.

She started introducing me to
those kinds of spiritual authors.

Neil Donald Walsh and his books,
Conversations with God, Eckhart Tolle came

later, Power of Now, and, A New Earth.

So I read all those.

And I was really fascinated because
these people seem to have a really

close relationship with God and heard
their voice, his voice, and I was

like, I want to be able to do that.

I want to hear God.

I want to know what God says.

Because God seems like a really cool
guy, like in these books, right?

He's talking about love and, unity
and peace and how, he doesn't judge

us, how he loves us unconditionally.

and a lot of my focus turned away from
Jesus and toward God, this version of

God that I was being taught in church
and through different books, literature,

my parents, these kinds of things.

it was also around that time, I
didn't know this until later, like

recently, that my mom was learning like
meditation, even some psychic things

like, meditating to contact spirits and
things with a neighbor with my aunt.

I didn't know that this was going on
at the time, but they would go over

there at night sometimes and, practice
these kinds of spiritual things.

yeah, that was what shaped a
lot of my childhood after that.

I will say like my grandfather,
never really got over the divorce.

He was never okay with it.

He never, I think he
forgave her at the end.

I just don't think he ever got
over the feelings of betrayal

and the hurt that cost him.

So it was very hard as a
child to reconcile that.

Divorce is, I think, traumatic to anybody.

And even a grandparent's divorce
can be, traumatic to a child.

the things you don't think about, right?

But, because your whole family is
split, he felt like my parents and his

other kids chose my grandma over him.

Kacy: Mmhm.

Jesse: when I look back, I really think
what happened is they chose, that.

Lifestyle over God and what he felt,
he also felt like he was on that other

side and not really, nobody really,
I think they empathize with him, but.

Not to the point where they ever said
anything to their mom about and they never

confronted her or anything about that.

As far as I know, maybe they did.

I don't know, but it didn't
seem like he felt like they did.

and he, I was happy that, before he died,
I did get to spend a lot of time with him.

he had brain cancer, unfortunately,
and he had to move in with us.

Eventually, and, during those years,
or during that year, I, uh, got to

take him to his treatments and things,
because I was in college at the time,

and so he talked to me about his
conversion, actually, during that time,

and I wasn't a Christian at that time,
but it really stuck with me, and he

still had faith in Jesus at the end.

He would build.

He would make these crosses out of wood
and shells and he would give them away.

that was a big hobby of his that he
really cared about even at the end.

He wanted all his stuff to make
them still, even with brain cancer.

yeah, he had a ton of Bibles.

I only know this because I received one.

And after reading it, and my aunt
says she still has Bibles of his.

She's given one to every family in
our family to have a piece of him.

And she still has more.

So I'm like, yeah, that's a cool thing.

Another thing is when I got his
Bible, there were little things in

it, like his mother's obituary thing
and like little cards and prayers.

And so it was really nice when I
opened it up and I would see these

little things because I know that
they were important to him because

he kept them in one of his Bibles.

So another cool, fact.

so back to.

That area, like my mom, going to these,
my neighbor's thing, that neighbor

actually did eventually become a psychic.

And so she, would do readings and
my mom would get a reading from

her and she offered me a reading.

She's I'll pay for reading
for you if you'd like one.

So I said, sure.

So I got a reading and, that was my
first exposure to psychics was that.

And of course it was somebody I
knew, so it didn't feel weird or.

bad or negative in any way, it felt very
like comforting and familiar and she

would say comforting things and I would
go to her once in a while, after my mom

would usually I would buy her another
reading and when I was old enough, I

would buy my own and um, she would say
comforting things about, my other grandma

passed away, and I missed her so much.

So not the one that I talked
about previously, but my dad's mom

passed away and we were very close.

So the idea of being able to get a
message from her was like super appealing

and that's really what spurred on my
own interest in psychic mediumship was

her passing because I really missed
her and I really wanted to know she

was okay, wanted any messages from her.

And yeah, I would, I didn't know
how to be a psychic, or anything.

but interestingly enough,
around that time, we hadn't

gone to church in many years.

I was married at the time I'd
moved to Florida, I was done with

college and we're, in Florida and I
actually did the Dave Ramsey program

for paying off your debt and I was
really into it and he's a Christian.

So again, I'm being thrown around.

Different scriptures and things
on his podcast and in his lessons

and financial peace university.

And I even go to a church to
attend financial peace university

and I really enjoyed it.

And, it made me want
to go to church again.

I was like, man, it's been so long.

It makes me want to go to church again.

I think there's something to this.

I am paying off my debt.

I feel like God is helping me
because you don't believe in God

in this agnostic kind of way,
universalist kind of way at the time.

So it's not that I don't believe.

I just believe that it's this pantheistic.

Kacy: Yeah.

Jesse: I, so I start, looking around
for a church and I find a unity

church that was unity that I hated,
but I'm like, now I'm an adult.

And I'm like, I probably wouldn't
hate it anymore is my thinking.

I probably wouldn't dislike it.

I'm going to go try it by myself.

Do what I think.

So I go and I attend the service and.

Everybody was super nice and the minister
was a woman and she like, I spoke to

her after and she was really great.

I got a good feeling.

So I go back and I told my
husband, I'm like, look, I found

a, a church I want to go to.

You don't have to come, but
I think you might like it.

Cause his mother, my husband at the
time, his mother was also into a course

of miracles and these kinds of things.

So we had grown up very similarly.

To each other.

And that was something I was so excited
about when I met him was, Oh, we have

similar beliefs and I don't have to
feel like he's trying to convert me to

Christianity or I'm trying to convert
him into what I believe it felt very

like natural to talk about God and things
we never argued or things like that.

And I thought, Oh, you might like
this, So he ends up coming with me.

And he likes it.

And then before I know it, my mom
and dad are coming with me and my

brother's coming with me and we're
all going to church again, do another

unity in Florida and it feels good.

The minister and I become friends.

I think they go by spirit.

She went by spiritual leader or something.

in unity, it's a similar
structure to a church.

they identify as a church
body and everything like that.

But they talk about energy,
meditation, they bring in a lot of

Hindu beliefs into their services.

They will talk about the Bible,
but it's more like a verse here,

a verse there, what Christians
might call cherry picking verses.

They don't really go into depth about
the context of the verse, they just talk

about a verse that fits their sermon or
their message, the message of the day.

Another thing she was
into was science of mind.

So they'll bring in that devotional
kind of thing into the service.

she would read from that.

So I became pretty familiar with
different, look at what I would

call today, new age authors or
writers, even once we passed on.

and I became friends with
the spiritual leaders.

So I go to her house and we would chat
and talk about God and I would, she would

host workshops and I would go to them.

I became friends with a lot of people that
went there and then came a time for her

to decide if she wanted to stay at unity.

She was like a substitute.

or there are more permanent position,
or she wanted to leave on move,

move or do a different thing.

And she was also a life coach, so the
life coaching, she introduced me to life

coaching, which is important for later.

So, because I would do some
of her life coaching programs.

So, what ended up happening was.

They broke apart.

So unity said, we're willing to pay you
this much and she was like, no I'm not

going to take that deal or that job.

And so she said, you
know instead of Stopping.

What if we started our own spiritual
center on the island and we start our own

spiritual center and we do that because
I'm not really wanting to continue with

unity because they're going to make me
become a unity Minister by attending

these courses and all these things which
I don't really am not interested in doing

and she explained it She had her own
reasons for not wanting to do it in short.

I was like, okay She's like, would you
like to help me start a spiritual center?

And I was like, yeah, sure Why not?

So me and my husband and my family we
started Helping her build a system like

a nonprofit, we do the nonprofit steps,
my husband at the time, he eventually

became the president of the organization.

I was a board member, and so we had
meetings and, we would talk about

what do we want this to look like?

who did we want to.

have in our spiritual center and she's,
she really wanted to move away from more

of the Christian practices and move into
more of a open, like a more open belief.

even less, he's not very rigid,
but even less that and more open.

Is that she was talking about and I
was like, sure, that sounds awesome.

whatever I can do.

So I became really involved in that.

But then the pandemic hit.

and so our in person services, all that
kind of stuff had to stop and, it was

2019 2020, we moved our services online.

We did it on Facebook lives.

They might still be doing Facebook,
but I have actually no idea.

I'm not a little longer
involved, obviously, but.

At the time, we would do it online.

yeah, so that was where I was
right before things got really.

Dark for me, yeah.

Because what happened next was it,
this all seems very like light and

fun and airy and not at all dark
or not at all, satanic in any way.

but this is what I want to talk about
is like how starting out like in a

very like non threatening spaces can
eventually lead to a very scary place.

So that's why I'm painting this picture
of how things were, even though I,

it doesn't, but it never stops there.

It was my experience.

And so it just continues and it builds
and it builds until you decide to stop.

And so what happened next for me
was, I want to do my own business.

So I started, buying a ton of
courses about, Online marketing

and doing online business.

I'm a speech language pathologist.

I wanted to do a business versus other
speech language pathologists to help a

certain niche of client that I felt very
comfortable with thanks to my schooling.

And so I was like, I want to help.

I want to have more freedom.

I want to have more income.

I, I really was ambitious.

It's very ambitious, especially for money.

I was paying off my debt.

I was really into like my finances
and managing them, controlling them.

And so I was like, I really
want to do an online business.

I'm going to use my skills.

I'm going to learn everything I
can about doing an online business.

And I just ordered so much.

I paid off my debt at that time.

So I poured all this money into
learning this stuff and I learned

on the online space on Facebook.

There's a ton of spiritual
business, a ton of life coaching

and a ton of psychic medium stuff.

And I just got roped into it, cause I
was already open to it and I was already

into it already hiring psychics, the
fact that there were psychics online.

The fact that there were teachers
online and how to do this stuff,

there were life coaches, like the
one I'd already worked with on there.

sure there was business and a
lot of them roped in spirituality

and business at the same time.

Of course, it's very appealing.

I was into like Tony Robbins
and all these things.

So it's like.

he's not, a Christian, he's more like
what I was, and I was like, yeah, positive

thinking manifestation, I want to manifest
my business, I'm going to manifest my

business by thinking positively and doing
little, maybe little rituals, if you will.

I eventually like Oracle cards,
which are not on my hero cards.

And I would, use them for business and
I had my own business clients eventually

and my own, people want to start private
practices and my business was growing.

So I was getting these clients
and I started to see that a lot

of them loved the spiritual stuff.

Like I was doing business coaching
first and I was doing the speech

therapy stuff first, but eventually
I found that the desire was like,

it was there, but not like a lot.

Not like these people I was hiring
who had hundreds of thousands

of dollars of income in a year.

I was like making like maybe 4,
000, 5, 000 a month and I was like,

man, I wanted, I want to do more.

So I was watching what they were
doing and a lot of them were doing

business coaching on a larger scale.

A lot of times with the mindset,
the more spiritual overtone.

And so I was like, okay, I'm
going to start to emulate that

and hire people like that.

and yeah, I took a manifestation course.

I was like, this is a lot
like what I already know.

I already been growing
up with all this stuff.

I already, I was like, man, I know
more than some of these teachers do on

this stuff because of how I was raised.

So it's yeah, I could do this.

this is what people want to know.


So I started marketing myself
as a, mindset or manifestation

coach, a spiritual coach.

And I started to do my own, mediumship
at home with myself or my close friends.

the spiritual leader, my mom,
like I started to do more like

trying to see, could I contact.

The, passed on, could I be accurate?

I totally believed it.

And I think that's where some
Christian authors get it wrong.

I've read since, you know, the last
few years, I've read some books on

Christians who talk about mediums and
psychics, and a lot of them believe that

we're just making it up, that we're,
that they are, I'm not one of them

anymore, but they are making it up that
they are, Just like imagining it, but

they have really strong imaginations
or that, they're just making money.

That's not it.

Like a lot of psychics do it for free.

they just genuinely enjoy it.

It's not about the money all the time.

Sometimes it is.

Usually it's a part of it, but
it's not usually the whole thing.

I think what's appealing
is it's like a high.

It's like you feel high, like I used to
call it spirit high, you would feel like

you're contacting with unknown secret
knowledge and it was like addictive

Kacy: Yeah.

Jesse: okay, they could tell you
something about this and they

could tell you something else.

And like, how could you not become rich
if you could access the secret knowledge?

How could you not be successful if you
can access the secret knowledge from

these spirits, So I didn't really see
myself as contacting only dead people.

I saw myself as contacting what I
would call spiritual guides or, God

himself, Gaia, all these things I saw
myself as being able to connect with

even things like Jesus, okay, like
I'm open to Jesus talking to me is

what I would think I'm open to that.

Buddha, Jesus, and you would do these
Oracle cards and you would flip a card

and it would have Buddha or it would have.

a Hindu god or goddess or it would
have a Virgin Mary or something and

you'd be like, oh, that's who's talking
to me or that's, this is the message

that they're giving me the message is,
something extremely unbiblical usually.

So it's, very addictive.

I would say, I would buy
more and more sets of cards.

I would get, I would start
like selling my own reading.

It was just,

like this, it's almost like an
LLM, So it's like a multi level,

Pyramids game kind of thing.

It's which they hate coaches
hate when I say this, but

it's true because I was in it.

It's you're a bottom
tier coach or whatever.

And then you hire a coach above you.

And then it's then you get to
their level and they go up.

And then it, cause over time, if
you keep marketing and growing a

following online, you can eventually
make more and more, you get better

at selling a lot of it's like sales.

Which is not, I would try to make it
spiritual, but at the end of the day,

it's just selling it's just sales.

Like I would think Oh, if I go
on at this time, maybe it's just

like weird stuff I would do.

but yeah, I was kept higher.

I'm just saying I kept spending money.

I was in reinvesting in my business,
but it was more reinvesting in coaching.

Not so much like hiring people.

I did end up hiring.

Maybe I think I heard one
person once for my social media,

but I didn't last very long.

I was almost burnt out at that point.

But, during the high of my
spiritual business, I was doing

the manifestation and I did a
meditation in a free Facebook group.

I was running, and I noticed
when I did the meditation, I

got $10,000 out of nowhere.

Like literally, like I
got, I was gifted 5,000.

I had sold like $5,000 worth of things
online, and I got $10,000 within 30 days.

And I was like, wow, maybe this
meditation is the reason I got that money.

So I did the same meditation on my
Facebook group live and people watched it.

And within 28 days between every,
I had a group of about 200 people.

they had quote unquote manifested a
million dollars from that meditation

and they credit it to the meditation.

It wasn't like, regular income
they were making, they were

talking about, it was like gifts.

It was like stocks.

It was a business.

Somebody launched a business and
it took off, an unrelated business.

So it was like, I was like,
this is real, this is real.

I am onto something.

So I started doing,
marketing myself like that.


I know how to make you money,
which is very appealing to people.

very easy to sell that.

And so I started to really, I
was having like 15, 000 a month.

Just from my online business,
not including my speech therapy.

So what ended up happening was I
wanted to leave speech therapy because

I was like, I don't need it anymore.

I don't need to do this.

So I quit.

I just devoted myself all to this
stuff, just to like my own spiritual

development, to my business, to
manifestation, all that stuff.

So all in four months, this is
all happening, like literally.

And then during that time, cause
it's just things were chaotic.

I asked, I got really into twin flames.

Which is this belief that you have a
soulmate that's like more than a soulmate.

Like you have a person out there
that's like a perfect match.

It's like a half of your
soul is this other person.

And if you're together, then
it's like nothing can stop you.

Basically you become unstoppable couple.

like, Oh, that's not my husband.

So I literally asked for a
separation during that time.

Convinced because all the cards
were telling me all my messages

were telling me all my Oh, this
isn't, this guy's not for you.

And I would accuse him of not
supporting me, and not being there

for me, not believing what I believed.

Cause I was getting
into more of this stuff.

And he was like, what happened?

what happened?

And so I asked for separation, he's
hurt and moves away with my dog.

and so I'm going through all that
during this four month period with

all these trips and all these, this
money and all this, it was just crazy.

And, I'm like on a weird.

During that time, it was like, I would
wake up in the middle of the night

terrified, like I would see things
in the corner of my eye, I had a frog

infestation, weirdly enough, I would have
frogs, on my door, getting into my house

every day, they would just be drawn to my
house, tons of them, little tree frogs.

And I was like, what in the world?

I, nobody could tell me what was going on.

Like I would ask other psychics,
like, why are frogs drawn to me?

Can you tell me, I, also had, a candle
incident where I'd made this candle

in a spiritual way and I had dried
flowers and I was doing a reading or

something in the other room and I come
back and I have a, the smoke alarms

going off and my whole, candle's on
fire and it's just burning, Like crazy.

And I take a blanket and I try to put
it out and it fell onto the carpet.

And I remove it outside.

I literally almost burned my house
down and it was really scary and

I opened the door and a bird flies
in my door and I'm like, what?

I just had a fire and a
bird is flying in my door.

Okay, and I think it's meaningful.

obviously, I think it's
meaningful something.

Everything means everything when you're
in that so I look down at the carpet

and in the carpet is a star pentagram
from the burn marks of my candle

and I was like, what in the world?

I wasn't into witchcraft.

I didn't think I wasn't
identifying that way at that time.

And I was like.

There's a pentagram in my carpet.

Okay, so I was really freaked out
and that time things really started

to ramp up like at night, things
would fall off my walls, like paint,

like paintings or different things.

Especially if they were related to my
marriage, they would start falling.

things would move in my room on their own.

I never saw anything levitate
or anything like that.

It was more like they would
just shuffle across the floor.

And that had actually been happening
to me since I was in college.

I would hear things move around in my
room at night, especially after I turn

off the lights, get in bed, I would hear
things moving in my room on their own.

But I could never tell what
it was or what was doing it.

And, so yeah, that was definitely
going on at that time a lot.

and I ended up getting a dog
cause I was so freaked out.

I was.

And I was so depressed, I was like,
I need something because even though

all this great stuff was happening,
I was going through a divorce, I

was like, it was headed that way.

It seemed it was just hard.

and so I ended up trying to get back
together with my husband and I say, you

look like I don't think that right of me.

I think you should come back and
we can try to make this work.

And so he does come back.

He doesn't want to, but he
does, and he's angry at me.

And the day he comes back, I'm
going to, I'm literally leaving

the house that we lived in.

He's coming back to the house.

He's driving in the neighborhood.

I'm leaving at the same time, and I'm
going to do my first in person mediumship.

somebody had hired me to do a reading
for her and her friends for some like

bachelorette or, some kind of party.

And so I was literally going to do that.

He's coming at and I'm like, look, I
have to go and I'm all dressed up like

hair, makeup, dress, and he looks at
me and he's just Oh, what have I done?

He looks at me like, what have I done?

It's still going on, obviously.

So I leave and I do the reading,
I come back and he's just mad.

And we tried to work it out and I,
it just, yeah, he ended up leaving.

He did not stay with me.

even though I wanted to
be with him, I even hired.

marriage coach, cause there's coaches for
everything, but I hired a marriage coach.

I was like doing everything I could to
like, make it work, after asking to leave.

And but it just didn't, it didn't stay,
he ended up why he wanted to end things.

He actually, I find it found out
he had hired a psychic and that

psychic told him we were over.

And, that's what made the
final decision for him.

But I didn't even know he'd hired her.

I didn't even know this was going on.


I, didn't know what to say to that.

What do you say when you're a
psychic and somebody's a psychic

told me not to be with you?

what do you say to that?


Really messed up.

so we end up getting a divorce.

And, At this time, the guy I
thought who maybe was my twin

flame was definitely not.

That was a lie, of course.

And, but I'm still thinking
my twin flame's out there.

I'm like, okay, God did this because
I'm supposed to be with somebody else.

This was obviously the plan.

I'm going to be fine.

I'm going to, find somebody, else.

And, but I'm like too
depressed to date for a while.

I actually move out of my house.

I move in with my parents.

I, my business is not making any money.

I'm too depressed to do any marketing.

I don't even want any clients.

I don't have a job because I quit that.

So I'm like, Oh, things
are, I have savings.

So I was like, I'm fine.

I have a lot of savings.

I can just live off that,
And that's what I do.

and I don't have any bills
if I live with my parents.

So I could float on for a
while like that and I can just.

Try to be inspired again by this work,
and I'm just really upset at that time

with doing my own readings for myself.

And he was trying to figure
out what I'm supposed to do.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.

and so I.

And, being interested in dating again and.

Get on the dating apps and I then meet my
now husband, which is a totally different

story, but that's what's going on.

and I get into, because I have
nothing to do and because I'm not

really doing anything, I, get really
involved in an online group of a woman

who my old coaches who are mediums
would say it's too dark for them.

She's too dark, like bad energy, bad
vibes, whatever you want to call it.

She gives bad energy and I start in her
group and she, and I begin talking and she

notices How accurate my predictions are
how accurate I am with my psychic skills

or whatever you want to call it and how?

How I have so many spiritual experiences
right because I have stuff like

flying off the wall Like I have stuff
going on every day like the spiritual

stuff and it kind of people are
interested in that they are intrigued.

So she Is interested in me and
we start talking and I hire

her, I have no money coming in.

I'm like, I'm going to hire her.

It's but you're hail Mary.

if this doesn't work,
nothing's going to work.

And we end up trying to do a
business together and a podcast

together and all these things.

And we're really into
the twin flame stuff.

I have my new relationship.

She has her relationship.

We're talking about
synchronicities, which is like.

young Ian kind of way of thinking about
the world, like your internals reflected

in the external and vice versa and
everything's connected and everything's

meaningful and everything has everything
to sign like a license plate would be like

a sign and we would write it down and then
this would be a sign and then this and

then we would try to make it all fit into
some kind of message and we would do that

together so she would get something and
then I would get something we would share

it on the phone like texting and So it
was this like spiral of like looking back,

I'm like, what was I doing, but it was a
spiral of this interest and it was keeping

me like enthralled with this kind of work,
Mediumship and, doing psychic readings

for people because people were still
coming for a reading once in a while.

And during that time, I, this is
something that was very pivotal

for me was I, my parents had gifted
me a paddle board for Christmas.

So I take it out for the first chance
I can, when it gets warm and I'm

going to take it out in the ocean.

All right.

My parents are with me.

I'm, it's Mother's Day.

I think the year was, 2021 Mother's
Day and I'm out on the ocean, with

my pattern board and I see this huge
splash and I'm like, is that shark?

Kacy: Oh God.

Jesse: It's an adult shark.

I don't know.

I see whales out there.

I'm like, okay, what is that?

I'm staring trying to figure
out what that huge splash was.

And all of a sudden I see this
woman pop out of the water and I'm

like, Oh, it's somebody swimming.

maybe it's somebody like, I'm like,
that must be somebody else because

that there's no way they could have
traveled from that watch to here.

It's too fast now.

I'm like, she must be swimming, practicing
swimming, travel on or something.

Ocean swimming, but it was
really deep where I was.

I was on a paddleboard.

I was past the waves.

You know what I mean?

So I'm really far out.

And I can see the beach, obviously, but.

it's far.

And, she pops up and I'm like, Oh,
like she's going to say hi or something

to me because it's weird that she's
swimming right next to my paddleboard.

And it almost looked to me like she
was wearing like a mask or something.

And I was like, Oh, I looked at her
and my brain couldn't process what

I was seeing, if that makes sense.

your brain starts to try to
attach things to something when it

doesn't know what it's looking at.

And that's what my brain was doing.

It's oh, those are goggles.

Oh, that's, her hair is green.

oh, it's fine.

And then she goes down
under, she doesn't dive down.

She just drops down and
doesn't come back up.

And I was like, what
in the world was that?

And my mom actually thought too.

Kacy: When she came up,
was she looking at you?

Was she trying to communicate?

Jesse: no, she looked past me like it was
almost like she didn't look at me at all.

She looked past me and she had
black eyes like they're just black.

her hair was blonde, but it looked
green like it had been in the water.

you know how hair like
it's that green tint.

And I thought to myself when
I first saw her, she needs a

bath, that was my first thought.

I was like, oh my gosh, her
hair, is messed up and her

head wasn't normal shape.

It was like a long, in the back,
like the hair either was piled

up or her skull was longer.

and she had gray skin.

Like it was very pale, like super pale.

very gaunt looking tiny lips.

and she had red around her
eyes, almost like scale.

and when I saw the tail,
it was like a seal skin.

like a smooth of tail.

that's what I'd seen splash.

so I'd gotten a little look of it.

And I was like, I didn't believe
in mermaid, I didn't really believe

in mermaid, wasn't something I ever
really thought about, even though

I was in the spiritual world, but
you can bet after that I was very

interested in mermaid, because I didn't
know what else that could have been.

And now I know what it likely was,
which was, Either a, what they,

what some people call a Nephilim
or a demon, because, mermaids are

just a cute little fairy tale.

They tell people to explain demonic
activity, and the Bible is pretty clear

about what these things are, and, They
can appear in 3D, in flesh, I didn't know

that, I thought spirits were spirits,
but they can appear in the flesh, in my

experience, and that's what had happened.

I believe it happened, now looking
back, I believe it happened because

of all the stuff I was doing, I was
basically opening up, probably some kind

of, I don't know if you want to call
them portals or what, but some kind of

energy field where they felt attracted.

And they were like, this girl like
into us, so we're going to reach out

and then it kept building because
when you experience those things,

you have no explanation for them.

You want to get to the bottom of them.

And I was like, mermaids are real.

Oh my gosh.

my mom actually saw it too
from a different perspective.

She was to my right and she looked
up and she saw the same demon.


She thought she was imagining
it, so she didn't say anything.

I was like, did you guys see that?

She's no.

then a few days later, I'm
like, did you see that?

She's yes, I did.

I just didn't want to admit that I saw it.

It's too weird.

I'm like, okay, so at
least I know I'm not crazy.

Because yeah, it was crazy.

so I go down this rabbit
hole of mermaids after that.

And I am very interested in, I
start channeling a program for my

business and it's called the abyss.

And I have people joining because they're
like, they've never heard of anybody

who's seen a real life mermaid before.

They want to know what's going on.

So they join and I charge like
a membership fee or something.

And, we channeled mermaids
and I, it's just gibberish,

gibberish that I was channeling.

it was English, but it
was, didn't make any sense.

And, something that did end up being
interesting was that, that woman I was

still working with that I'd hired that
was very dark, She and I were still doing

our work on a podcast and channeling on
the side, and she was helping me with

my program and ways she could and stuff.

And, she was sharing, I was
starting to channel this thing

that called itself the white God.

And it was a, when I saw
him, he looked like a devil.

He had horns like a devil,
like not, I didn't see him in

a 3d, like I did the mermaid.

I saw more in my, my mind, I
would get these images or vision.

And I thought it's like white,
double looking, scary looking thing.

And I was like, I think this is
the devil or it looks like it.

And she was like, yeah.

And at that point you're like, are
you afraid that the devil at that

point, you've done so much stuff.

Like it's, you just kind of ask yourself,
like, am I afraid of this thing or not?

It seems nice, and scripture
says, angel, Satan despises

himself as an angel of light.

he was promising us all these things.

Riches and her luck.

if you ever want to talk about like
job in real life, it was like her.

She had lost everything.

I'm doing this stuff.

She had gone from multimillion dollar
business to literally selling her house.

like she lived in a trailer.

And she had previously
had a multimillion dollar.

Spiritual business, just to give you an
idea of what this stuff does to people.

and so I was trying to help her, get
back to, like, where she used to be.

And, yeah, it was depressing.

her life was in shambles.

It was really bad.

She was actually possessed
at one point, by a demon that

called itself, I think, Lilith.

She threw up black stone.

and the only thing that she wanted when
she was in a possessed state, While

she's throwing up and just talking
gibberish and talking a different

voice and doesn't remember anything.

Her husband's cross on his neck, he
has a cushion, was the only thing

that she would like recoil from.

And, it was like she wanted her husband
when she was possessed, but she also

didn't want him because of the cross.

And it was the whole thing.

You would think, Justie, at this
time, it would have occurred to us.

What was happening, right?

You would think okay, this is so obvious.

we're not obvious to us.

like, how did I not see this?

Like, all the signs were there.

Everything was there, what was happening.

And yet we had no idea.

And, this white god, he would
say things like, I'm a dragon.

I'm a snake.

I, and I was like, how can
you be a dragon and a snake?

I didn't make any sense to like,
we literally would talk about this

on a podcast, like, how can it
be girls like, and okay, book of

revolution, I'm a dragon and the
snake and the dragon, which is Satan.

I'm like, yeah, okay, makes sense.

Kacy: it makes sense now.

Jesse: it does now.


And yeah, I, but all this
fizzles out all this fizzles out.

I, months pass, nothing really
happens, like no big money,

no big scale, no big deal.

I'm trying to make these big
deals, like nothing's happening.

I'm listening to these signs and
messages and nothing's going right.

And I'm like, okay, maybe
I just got to wait it out.

It's not my time, whatever.

yeah, I end up

being kind of disappointed and very
disappointed and very not into it.

Like all of a sudden, like my
interests are like dying in this stuff.

And I'm like, man, like I used to love it.

I don't even want to do the channeling.

I don't even want to do reading.

I took all my stuff offline.

I was thinking about closing my business.

I actually got a job as a speech
therapist again, working full time.

I, my life's becoming more
normal, if that makes sense.

And yeah, I was still doing witchcraft.

I, I did make friends with local people
who like spells and things like that.

So I was learning how to do
spells and I would cast them.

And, I always thought I
was doing good things.

I wasn't a bad witch.

I was like a good one.

And, so I would still doing that stuff.

I even bought like a
broomstick from Salem.

I thought that was cool.

That kind of stuff.

I was really into that.

reading spell books, like
nature spells, things like that.

I was doing that stuff.

And then, one day, I was reading my
Bible, because I tried to read the Bible.

through this whole experience,
I'm trying to read the Bible.

It was from my grandfather, and it would
be sitting on my bookshelf all the time.

And I would open it up, and it
was like reading another language.

I couldn't understand
a word I was reading.

It was like, what?

I, one sentence, I could not understand.

One sentence.

I And then one day I opened it up
and I opened up to Deuteronomy and

all of a sudden I can understand it
and I'm like, Oh, it is an English.

I can't read this.

Oh my gosh.

It was so weird.

I was like, I can't believe I'm
understanding what I read it.

And I opened it up and I basically read.

I opened it up right to Deuteronomy.

I had no idea what Deuteronomy was.

I had no idea.

Like I randomly read the Bible.

Like I have no clue what I'm doing.

And it says.

No one among you is to sacrifice
a son or daughter in the fire.

Practice divination, tell fortunes,
interpret omens, practice sorcery,

cast spells, consult a medium or
spiritist, or inquire of the dead.

Everyone who does these things is
detestable to the Lord, and the Lord your

God is driving out the nations before
you because of these detestable acts.

Deuteronomy 18, 10 12.

And I'm like, you have
got to be kidding me.

this isn't okay with God?

I thought this was God.

I thought this was God.

I thought this was God.

this is not okay with God.

I was like, oh no.

And I'm convicted.

I believe it.

I can't tell you why I believed it.

I can't tell you.

It doesn't make sense, honestly.

But I believed it.

And I was like, God is not happy with me.

And I'm detestable and I'm an
abomination, according to Deuteronomy.

And so I Google, is Old
Testament still true today?

And up top, nobody else but Doreen
Virtue, who was a New Age author,

who converted to Christianity.

And she's talking about this verse,
exactly this verse that I'm, that I read.

She said, this is true today.

I was a medium, I was a psychic, and
this is true today, and you cannot do it.

And I was like, I've heard of a Doreen
Virtue, everybody talked about her, she'd

gone off the deep end in Christianity,
and how crazy she was for leaving

everything, and everything like that.

She was really big in the
90s, early 2000s, really big.

She traveled with, Wayne
Dyer, things like that.


And I was like, Okay,
Doreen thinks this is real.

So I text my friend, the other coach,
who I was working with, channeling

with, and I say, hey, I read this.

What do you think?

and she's Oh, that's, not
everything in the Bible is true.

It's not all true.

Some of it's true.

Cause we would talk about the Bible
once in a while, like the very common

things that I knew from Catholic church.

Kacy: Yeah.

Jesse: but yeah, like
it, she's it's not true.

and I just didn't know what to say.

I was disappointed, honestly,
because I was looking for an excuse

not to do what I was doing anymore.

I didn't really want to anymore.

And, yeah, so it was a
little disappointing.

I really thought she would take
me seriously, and she didn't.

And, why I relied on another
person, that's mistake number one.


That's where I was.

And, so yeah, I, I don't know after
that things really, I really wasn't

interested after that very much.

even my boyfriend at the time, he would
play stuff in the car, like different

new age kind of lessons, but I would be
like, no, I can't, I cannot listen to him.

He would do he would hire like a
psychic and I'd be like, I don't

want any parent, I don't really care.

I don't want a part of that.

He would do moon groups.

I didn't, it was like, I got a
bad feeling all of a sudden about

all this stuff, all of a sudden
it's y'all giving me bad feelings.

I didn't know what it was.

so, one thing I did forget to mention
that I do want to mention that I was

into before my conversion was Gnosticism.

So Christian Gnosticism, which
is like, Looking at, the gospel

of Thomas or the gospel of Mary
Magdalene, these kinds of things.

there's an author who wrote a book,
I forget her name, I'm driving crazy,

but, she, I read her book about
Mary Magdalene, and it was like,

it's a newer book and I did a study
with a group of women about it.

And it's a how Mary Magdalene is just like
Jesus and their equals and all this stuff.

And, I was really into that for a while.

It all goes together.

That's the thing.

All this stuff.

I was a yoga teacher.

I'd gone to yoga training
in Thailand for a month.

it all fits like nothing argues
against each other is what I realized.

Like I would get visions
of gods and goddesses from

ancient Rome and ancient Greek.

I didn't even know what they were and
they would tell me their name and I

would Google it and lo and behold, it
was like this is why I had no idea.

Like I couldn't have imagined it
because I'd never heard of it.

Kacy: Right.

Jesse: but they all would come to me.

the thing that didn't come to me,
was the God of the Christians.

We would, we called it the
light God for some reason.

And it was like that God didn't
want any part of all this

other stuff that we were doing.

That was the only God we knew of that
would not coexist with the others.

Buddha and Krishna and.

Mary Magdalene, like the Gnostic
versions of God and the, the

Jungian theories and Gaia, all
these things coexisted just fine.

They didn't argue against each other.

It didn't really, it disagreed,
but it also, you could always

rationalize it to make sense together.

that's the messages I would get.

That we're always from
these kinds of beliefs.

I didn't get any biblical messages ever.

The only biblical message I ever
received was from the Bible.

I wouldn't, or from the devil,
but he was talking about himself

in the words of the Bible.

because the devil knows the Bible
extremely well, better than any of us.

He knows it front and back.

He knows what happens.

He believes it.

He does not argue with the Bible.

he lies though.

He's a liar.

So he'll deceive you.

But he also knows the truth, and so
he, it's an interesting realization I

had when I converted was, that some of
the things he said were true regarding

himself, that he is a snake and a dragon,
that he, has minions, he has demons.

On his team that poses these
gods and goddesses for him

to further deceive humanity.

And he was right in that the white
God, him, he, I don't know why he

called himself that, but whatever.

He is all those in one.

They are all the same.

They're all the same.

They all go by different shades of gray,
but in the end, it's all a demon with that

agenda to still steal, kill and destroy.

And yeah, I realized that.

After my conversion,
which happened, close.

Around this time where I'm just
interested, I, what happened was

that person that I was channeling
with, she said, Casey, I'm going to

get baptized at the church I go to.

And she's the minute I agreed
to be baptized to myself,

she's I felt the Holy spirit.

And she's I'm going to
do the Christian thing.

And I was mad when she told
me that and how it's mad.

And I was, I didn't tell
her I was mad, but I was.

And I thought to myself, why
am I mad that she's doing that?

Is it because I'm sad that I
won't have a channel anymore?

No, because I don't even
want to do it anymore.

It was, I was mad because I wasn't
doing, I wasn't a Christian.

I wanted that and I didn't have it.

And I felt this voice
say, you can have that.

You can have that, too.

So I decided, okay, I'm gonna have this.

I'm a Christian.

I'm gonna be a Christian.

I'm gonna have Jesus.

And, it wasn't as simple as that.

I had to repent for all
the things I had done.

all the sins I had committed.

The divorce, the channeling, the
sorcery, no spells, psychic witchcraft.

I repented and that was hard.

I cried for I think a day and I just
felt terrible that I had done these

things, that God didn't want me to do.

And I understood, I just
understood that it was wrong.

Kacy: I just felt like I had done
so much at that point and nothing

had brought me to enlightenment
or to Nirvana or to anything.

money, wealth, like nothing, like
I did have a relationship, but that

was about all I had at that time.

Like I was living with my parents.


Had a normal nine to five again.

I didn't even in my mind.

I'd failed like my business, I had closed
it I had no interest in doing any of that

stuff again because I just knew where
it led I just I was like I just Was it

was like the rose colored glasses were
taken off of that whole world online.

it just became clear
that it wasn't for me.

And in my midst of not really doing
much, except working a normal job and,

I had knee surgery around that time,
I was laid up, and then my, the woman

I had been channeling with off and on
at that point, wasn't we used to do a

podcast, but we had stopped and all this
stuff, she, said how she was, converting

to Christianity after her experience.

deciding to get baptized at her husband's
church and how she was filled with peace.

And I believe it was the Holy
Spirit, and she was very, genuine.

It was a very genuine conversion for her.

I could tell, and, it affected me in
the fact that it made me angry that

she hadn't supported me earlier when
I told her the scripture I'd read.

And I just knew I didn't have to be
angry because I could still have Jesus

and the Bible and God and the God of
the Bible, I could still have that.

And, so I went through repentance.

and I started to read about other people
who converted, who left the new age

or other religions for Christianity.

And those were really helpful
for me just to spend some

time really looking at myself.

and I really wanted to look
at myself and understand why I

had believed a lie for so long.

And, so what I first, I, I prayed.

I was really into dreams and the
new age I would dream interpret

and I would believe my dreams.

my dreams were what I
thought were powerful.

I would get names of deceased
people in my, I would see

deceased people in my dreams.

I would carry out messages from
them to other people or to myself.

I would see like different
synchronicities in my dreams.

I would see like aliens in my dreams
or fairies or what have you, like

all the, all this stuff, mermaids.

And I would write them
all down and journal it.

And I would either take a young Ian
perspective of Oh, it's like talking about

my subconscious, or I would think it was
real, like real spirits talking to me.

And I think it was a combination.

Cause some of the spirits, communicated
messages that ended up being

true that I could not have known.

there's no way I could have known.

And so, yeah, that's a whole thing,
but, so I prayed to God for a dream.

I said, God, I know you might not
use it, but if you will, please

show me what happened to me.

That was my question.

show me what happened.

That was my request.

Show me what happened to me.

And so that night, I dreamt, I was sitting
on a square, retaining wall, brick wall.

And in the middle was just, grass.

I didn't see what was in the middle, but
around the square wall were all these

people, and I was sitting next to my mom.

And me and my mom were talking, and
it seemed like a good conversation.

And all of a sudden I see a little snake
probably 12 inches long and it was a cobra

snake and it had a little hood and things
and at first I'm like, I don't like snakes

sounds but it seems like nice the snake,
it was like intelligent and like cute.

And it was like move in a
way that it understood me.

And I was like, Oh my gosh,
it's like a smart snake.

And I like, it's like climbing
on me and it's I'm holding it.

And I'm not that I've helped snakes.

So I'm not that scared
of them where I'm like.

I just don't like the
idea of being bit by them.

that's a thing poisoned by that.

But other than that, I'm
not that scared of that.

So it's climbing on me and I'm
like, Oh, my mom's Oh my gosh,

the snake really likes you.

That's so great.

And I'm like, yeah, but I want to
talk to the other people around.

So I eventually let the snake
go and I go move, move along the

wall and talk to somebody else.

And the snake follows me and I'm
like, Oh, here's the snake again.

I'm like, it does really like me.

it was weird.

It was like.

Why is it following me?

There's always people around and it's
following me and I again, take it and

I'm like, okay, a little snake and
I'm like, okay, go do something else.

try to get, trying to get it off of me.

But then it realized I was trying
to get away and it got angry and

it started to come for me and I was
like, Oh no, it's not looking happy.

And it climbs up my back.

So I didn't pick it up.

It just climbed up my back and it climbed
down my right arm and it bit me in my

hand And it bit me so hard, I felt it and
I jolted up right in bed and I looked at

my hand to see if something had bit me.

It was that real.

And I knew immediately what the
message was, which was, I had allowed

Satan, which is a snake to pursue.

I had invited him in and then it had
pursued me and it wanted to kill me.

And that was its whole mission.

and so I just thanked God.

I said, thank you for showing
me what had happened to me.

And, I think the purpose of my
mom being there was that's how

the door was opened originally.

Was through the things she introduced
me to unknowingly, not knowing that it

was Satan We're opening ourselves up to
but that's that was the person and then

that's what happened It tried to kill me.

It wasn't successful, but it
that was the mission it had

so knew that the dream thing worked So
the next dream is really important to me.

I prayed the next day for another dream
And I said, God, I really want to know if

the spirits I've been communicating with
are real or if they're demons, because

there's a lot of like opinions out there.

Nobody really knows, are they ghosts?

Are they the spirit of
the person who died?

Or are they demons?

Like hauntings, right?

Are they, I was really interested
in hauntings and stuff, growing

up and I that kind of thing.

I'd watch like reality shows
on ghost hunter people really

interested in that kind of thing.

I even had like goals of doing
that, I thought it'd be fun.

now I know they're demon hunters really.

And you can't really hunt a demon.

it comes to you.

It doesn't need to be hunted.

yeah, I was like, I want to know,
were they the spirit of my grandma?

is that her?

Have I been lying to people when
they'd say their uncle came to

me or their son or their sister?

Have I been lying?

Like not knowing I was lying, but
lying like to them being deceived.

And so I wanted to have a
dream where God would tell me.

were these the spirits of the
deceased or were they demons like

Doreen Virtue said they were demons.

So I wanted to know, and I, go to
bed and I wake, I dream I'm sitting

in a room and across from me is my
grandma who had passed, my dad's mom,

and that was the main person I was
always interested in communicating

with because she meant so much to me.

And, so I see her sitting across from me
and I'm talking to her and all of a sudden

she starts to morph into this ghastly non
human thing, like her face changed, her

body changed right in front of my eyes.

And I woke up and that I must have
been asleep only for a few hours.

And I woke up in the middle of
the night and I was like, that

was the answer to my prayer.

So they were demons.

They were not the deceased spirits
of people I thought they were.

which was, I would have been
okay with either answer.

Like I still would have been a
Christian, converted, despite the answer.

But I just wanted to know for my
own, testimony, and to understand.

So I was grateful that God gave me
those answers, the Satan answer and the

spirit, the deceased spirits answers.

they are demons.

I don't believe they are
the real spirits of people.

I think demons know how to look
a certain way, act a certain way.

They are very smart.

They've been around a lot longer than us.

they're much smarter than us
and they know what we want.

They've been watching us our whole lives.

I think they're everywhere.

I don't think they're like once in
a while, like you'll run into one.

I think they're waited to be
invited by a cult, by sin,

Jesse: there's a verse that
says that Satan roams the earth

looking for whom he may devour.

So if we become devourable,
that's who he goes for.

Kacy: Yes.


And he has his minions, and
there's lots of, if you look at

the Bible, it says, what was it?

Like a third of the angels.

fell with him something like that.

There's a lot of them.

We don't know how much that it could, but
he says there's like as many angels as

there are stars in the sky or something.

So I'm thinking there's a lot, and
I'm not saying this to be scared or

to be fearful of Satan or his, demons,
Jesus has already defeated them.

So we're looking at a war already
won, but he knows that, but he's

still going to have the fun he wants
to have and then bring as many souls

with him while he has the chance.

And you don't have to argue with me
about the spiritual realm being real.

because like I said, I had so many
spiritual experiences of the spiritual

realm and I really think God says not
to, this is my opinion, I really think

God says that not to do divination,
sorcery and all those things because

yes, it is offensive to him because he's,
you're not going to find him in that.

It's a waste of your time, but more
so he doesn't want you in danger.

because they are dangerous, they have
the capabilities of really hurting you.

and I don't say that to scare people.

I just want them to be aware that
I'm very, I feel very fortunate and

blessed that's all that happened to
me was losing money and a few years

of, obsession, I feel fortunate
that nothing worse happened to me.

Like I was never possessed
as far as I know.

I was never like my friend,
like I had friends who were

possessed because of this stuff.

Like it's very traumatic when that happens
to a person that changes you forever.

It's really not fun.

you talk to people who've been possessed.

It's not something you have
any, you would ever want.

it's traumatizing to everybody involved.

so I'm blessed that never happened to me.

I'm blessed that I didn't
die before I converted.

I'm blessed that I now
I get to go to heaven.

I, yeah, I, the best sleep of
my life was after those dreams.

Cause I just knew like my
soul knew it was saved.

I, because I would wake up in
the middle of the night and be

like, Oh my gosh, thank you God.

Thank you God.

I don't have to be scared
of going to hell anymore.

I didn't even realize I was scared
of that until I knew I was saved.

That's what's interesting.

You don't really fear hell
when you're going to hell.

Jesse: Hmm.

Kacy: but you, your soul knows
your soul definitely knows

because I could feel a difference.


I slept peacefully.


Jesse: does,

Kacy: that up.

Jesse: when you say you slept peacefully,
do you still have visitations from him?

These entities.

Kacy: no, I don't.

I was actually like completely
delivered, which a lot of people

don't experience like that.

unfortunately, like Doreen Virtue says she
still had a lot of demonic activity after.

I was I followed Doreen Virtue's
advice and I got rid of all my stuff.

So I got rid of my broomstick,
my cards, my journals.

My channel, I even deleted my social
media accounts with all that stuff.

I, deleted, threw away.

Interestingly enough, my hard drive
of my computer died and even the

computer people couldn't figure out
why, now was that demonic or God?

I have no idea, but it
was a blessing either way.

Jesse: Yes.

Kacy: so like it, it was
stuff like that happens.

And then, like all my books, all my
new age books, I threw them away.

I definitely recommend people
throw them away, if you have it.

And like crystals and stuff, I had a
ton of crystals, I threw those out.

And it's sad, it was sad because I
invested so much money in that stuff.

Like thousands of dollars.

It's all pointless,
garbage, demonic garbage.

all the yoga money I'd spent like doing
yoga and being trained in it, garbage,

because actually some of the most
demonic experience I ever had happened in

Thailand when I was in the yoga training.

I'd be visited by the Mahavidyas, which
we were like worshiping during the day.

And they would come to me at night.

So when people say yoga is
not spiritual, yes, it is.

They visit you because those demons
that go by those goddesses or gods

that you are worshiping while you're
in a certain pose are going to be

opened, are going to be drawn to you.

And I don't know, do demons like,
stay to one name that I, people

who exercise demons say they
have a name and that they're very

like clear what they are, but.

They can disguise themselves
as whatever they want and

they can lie and deceive you.

So you can't really say what
a demon says is ever true.

but I, like in my experience, Certain
ones are welcomed in by what you do.

So if you're doing yoga, you're
going to get yoga gods and goddesses.

And I was really into the yogi
literature, and they levitate

and all these things, right?

Like they talk about how much power
they have, the yogis, and that's

why they do yoga in a way, and for
enlightenment or whatever, but that's

all demonic, like you start to see like
people who are possessed, levitate.

I knew new age authors who
could levitate, and why?

Because they're Trapped in
demonic activity, convincing

themselves that it's good.

Angels of light.

I thought I was communicating with
good angels, only I would pray.

I like surround myself with golden
light and, all these things they

teach you to stay protected.

Oh, you're fine.

If you stay protected, guess what?

The good angels aren't going to come
to you when you're doing this stuff.

Cause it goes against God's law.

So you're not going to attract any good
angels because it goes against God's law.

God what you're doing and they
obey God So you cannot attract

a good angel doing this stuff

Jesse: It sounds like, you said you
started throwing things away and all

the money that you spent, it was lost.

It reminded me of Paul's statement
that he counts everything as

lost because he now knows.


Kacy: Yeah, I love that.

Jesse: that's my paraphrase,
but that's awesome.

since you were talking about getting
rid of all this paraphernalia, demonic

stuff, what one piece of advice
would you like to pass on to anybody

who's out there listening right now?

Kacy: I think you know if you're
considering Christianity and the

beliefs There and, aren't quite sure.

I would just say, pray with an open
heart for God to reveal the truth

to you in a way you understand,
because God used dreams for me,

because that's what I understood.

He wants us to reach out
to him and to know him.

And if you're on the fence, like
not sure, my advice would be pray

for him to reveal himself to you.

because that's really what helped me.

but I had never done that.

I had never done that until I did.

And then I knew,

Jesse: Yeah, that's great advice because,
Jesus already died for our, all of

our sins 2, 000 years ago, so we don't
have to beg him to forgive our sins.

He's already done that.

It's up to us To come
to him and to receive

Kacy: And repent, yeah.

The repentance is very powerful.

And like, knowing that all
of us have fallen short.

All of us have fallen short and so we
don't deserve God, but God is forgiving

enough and loving enough to accept
us as we are when we come to him.

And then he starts to do his
thing, he starts to mold us

into the likeness of Christ.

And so that's something that
I can't wait to share, with

my husband when we come back.

Jesse: I look forward to it.

Would you pray for our listeners
before we wrap things up?

Kacy: Yeah.


Dear God.

Thank you so much for this
opportunity to talk with Jesse.

And the listeners of this podcast, God,
I just pray that you bless each one of

them and that you show your face and
wrap them in love and peace as that is

what the message of your son really is.

We just pray that people better
understand you and better understand

the spiritual nature of this world.

And even though we can't see with
our eyes, everything that's going on,

that they just know that it's real and
they know that it's You are in control

and you are sovereign over all of it.

And in Jesus name we pray.


Jesse: Amen.

Thank you, Casey.

Kacy: Thank you.

Have a good day.

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Most Christians don't share their
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But none of that is relevant.

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So don't be intimidated.

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It's not about theology, and it's not
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So when you're ready to tell how Jesus
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know at his ministry website, jesseduke.


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that will make it easy to

prepare to tell your story.

Thank you for listening today and Shalom.

Kacy Klima
Broadcast by