John Crow

Cailin: Welcome everyone to
Faith and Purpose podcast.

Each episode of this podcast contains the
personal testimony of an ordinary person

transformed by an extraordinary God.

My name is Kaylin and I'm
here to introduce this podcast

for my friend Jesse Duke.

Jesse is a husband, father, author,
life recovery guide, lay counselor,

and small group leader, but his
most important role is disciple.

As a disciple of Jesus.

Jesse created this podcast to help other
believers tell their faith stories.

We'll be hearing the personal
testimonies of all sorts of people

who have one thing in common,
Jesus has transformed their lives.

as we listen to how God has worked in
others lives, we find encouragement

and inspiration for our own faith walk.

Whether you are already a believer or
just a curious seeker, we believe that

as you listen to these stories, you will
be encouraged on your own faith journey.

We are sure that God can speak to you
through one of these episodes and that you

will see that our Heavenly Father truly
works all things together for our good.

When we simply love and trust him.

If you are currently going through a
trial, we believe that you will come

to see that your troubles, heartbreaks,
and failures are not gravestones, but

stepping stones into new life in Christ.

Here's Jesse with today's guest.

Welcome everybody to
faith and purpose podcast.

I'm very excited today to have my
long time friend and John Crow.

To tell his story, I'm
looking forward to it.

And here he is.

How are you doing today, John?

I'm great.

Thanks Jesse.

Thank you for having me.

So, I was born in Jackson,
Mississippi, uh, moved to Jacksonville,

Florida when I was six months old.

Uh, so all I've ever known.

Uh, is mostly Florida.

I did leave for about 10 years,
but we'll get to that later.

So when I was born, my dad had a good job.

He was an air traffic controller.

We moved to Jacksonville.

Things were good.

I grew up in a family that.

There wasn't a lot of,
religion or the Bible.

my grandmother was very devout, but as
far as my core family, There just, wasn't

a lot of religion, a lot of church.

when I was about six years
old, my dad went on strike.

With the air traffic controllers,
they ended up getting fired and we.

Entered into a period of my family's
life with a lot of uncertainty,

a lot of financial instability.

And that was just about the time
I was aware of what was going on,

Um, I have some memories before that, but.

Most of my memories are from that time on.

And they're like I said, we
just struggled financially and.

There wasn't.

The the Lord to fall back on.

Or at least that wasn't modeled for me.

so I grew up with a fear of financial
insecurity and that shaped a lot of

the way I live my life moving forward.


Did a lot of running and a lot of,
Just trying to live life the best.

I knew how but that led to
some really dark places.

I saw it.


I thought that would come from money.

my life was really characterized
by less of the eyes, less of

the flesh and the pride of life.

And so as I grew up,
we, we got more stable.

My parents worked, they were hardworking.

they were loving.

My parents loved me.

But they didn't love each other.

Well, there was a lot of instability.

I have an older brother.

Who was troubled.

My dad was a Marine and he was a
strong-willed child with authority issues.

And so that did not go well.

Um, my mom had had him
before they got married.

So growing up, it really felt a lot like
it was me and my dad versus me and my mom,

or at least that's how I perceived it.

And, uh, so there was a lot of
instability, a lot of fighting

in the home, a lot of separation.

Uh, when they would separate my mom
and my brother would go somewhere

and me and my dad would be somewhere.

so I was always very,
very close with my father.


Been the strongest influence in my life.

I would go to work with him.

If I wasn't in school, I was
wherever my dad was usually.

so we moved to Amelia island,
when I was in the third grade.

He got a job at a condo complex
on the south end of the island.

He was the property manager.

so we got a free condo or not free,
but that was part of the pay package.

So we lived in what looked like affluence.

but I felt poor.

And we.

Did what we needed to do to, to live
there, you know, cleaned up and fixed

things and took care of the tennis courts.

I used to get up at five o'clock in the
morning and do the tennis court to my dad.

And then he would take me to get
something to eat on the way to school

and, It really was an idyllic life.

You know, we lived on the beach
on a barrier island and Florida.

It was beautiful.

But I didn't feel like that.

so much of my life.

I was a very small child.

I'm always the smallest in my class.

I weighed 88 pounds when I got into high
school, when I was a freshman in high

school, which, Just lent itself to me, not
feeling like I had what other people had,

whether that was physically, financially.

emotionally, I wouldn't have known
it at the time, but spiritually.

so I always operated from a sense of lack.

I was a good student.

I participated in sports.

I was a decent athlete.

but I always just kind of tried
to blend in or keep the peace.

As I grew up.

You know, once I got into high school,
my brother was gone from the house.

My parents were pretty stable.

They both had, decent jobs.

And I did well in school.


And got into wrestling, which was really
good for my self-esteem and, physically,

you know, I started working out and just.

Feeling more, like a man quote,
unquote, for lack of a better term.

but still, just always that feeling
in my heart that everybody else

had something that I didn't have.

so I tried to fill that, like I said,
you know, less of the flesh, less of

the eyes and the pride of life I wanted.

I wanted things I wanted,
to be respected by my peers.

I wanted comfort.

I wanted to feel good.

so when I graduated high
school, I graduated with honors.

Got a, Scholastic scholarship to,
Mississippi state university, had done

well in wrestling, you know, just.

It was kind of feeling like I was okay.


Got to Mississippi state.

And once again, I was a fish out of water.

I wasn't like everybody else.

And I really started drinking heavily.

I had always dry and I don't
ever remember a time in my life

where drinking wasn't a part.

Of the things that went on, my
parents drank heavily, And so when

I got to Mississippi state, I.

Pretty much drank that year away.

I got nine credits and one year
they were less than impressed.

As you can imagine.

And, so when I came back, I
was like, I'm not going back.

I just, I don't fit in there.

I don't want to be there, and the reality
was I just had not taken advantage of an

opportunity that had been given me, and
I didn't want to face the consequences.

So, I dropped out of school, stayed home.

it's the first time I ever remember
my father and I having what I would

call a, a fight, you know, or.

Uh, major disagreement.

and he was just, he just said, look, you
either go back or you're on your own.

I'm not going to pay for school
and you're not going to live here.


And I said, okay, I'll do it my way.

And that started a five-year.

Journey of me just kind of moving around
work and moving from place to place.

I moved 13 times in five years.

And several of those
were cross-country moves.

everywhere I went there, I was, and the
next place was always going to be better.

You know, it was always this
job or this place or these

people that were my problem.

And so, like I said, I moved
around a bunch and, landed in.

Southern Alabama and a little town
called Fairhope that I absolutely loved.

And during that five years, my
drinking and then other things took

on greater and greater proportions.

But when I got to Fairhope.

I kind of settled down a little bit.

My, I wasn't drinking as much.

I wasn't, wrecking my life
with other things as much.

And I got back into school.

Got through the first two years
of my school there and had a job.

I didn't have a car.

I rode around on a bike.

I lived, it was a lot like Fernandina.

But I didn't know anybody
and I just loved it.

So when I got done there, I decided I was
going to go on and finish my, college.


And so I chose Auburn university
because it was closer to home

than the university of Alabama.

And I was taken advantage
of in state tuition.

just before I went to Auburn,
I came home for Christmas.

And my brother was home and he
was, I, Hey, you know, I'm down in

Gainesville, we're doing some things
might be a business opportunity that

you could take advantage of an Auburn.

And I did.

it was not legal.

but I, I would do anything for money.


I know that I've, kind
of always been that way.

I will.

I'll do just about anything for money.

I'll do anything for the
feeling of stability.


I went to Auburn, that business
venture, kinda took off.

It was going really well.

I was in school at Auburn.

I was there for five years.

That business venture kind of morphed
into some other business ventures.

none of which were legal, but
we're all very profitable.

by this time I was a
full blown drug addict.

that had access to anything I needed
because of the lifestyle I was living.

but that, while it seemed really good at
the time, it was extremely detrimental.

after I graduated that summer, I got
arrested walking into a, concert.


What I considered to be
just enough for the night.

To get through the show.

but the state of Alabama deemed
enough that I might be a distributor.

And so, the state of Alabama decided
that I might be an alcoholic or

an addict and that I needed help.

And, their version of
help was 10 years in jail.

And so.

That drug out over two years,
I ended up moving back home.

I was coaching the wrestling team.

president of the optimist club
volunteer and, you know, from the

outside, looking in, it looked like
I was living a responsible life.

I was still a drug addict, but
by this point I didn't have

the means that I had before.

So it was, not nearly as easy, but.

By the end of this, dragging through
the court system, I ended up going

and just saying, Hey, you know,
I know, 10 years in jail, isn't

going to do me a whole lot of good.

And I don't think it'll do the state
of Alabama a whole lot of good.

I made a huge mistake.

You know, How can we resolve this?

they ended up giving me a 10 year
suspended sentence, a large fine a

thousand hours community service.


A year of probation.

Which meant that if I was caught
drinking or using drugs in that

year, I went directly to the state.

penitentiary for 10 years.

you can imagine what that did for my
drinking and using absolutely nothing.

I spent the next year continuing to
drinking, use drugs and game the system.


Uh, almost got caught.

I didn't.

Praise the Lord.

Um, but I got through all of that.

And I'm still just living my life
for my comfort, for my wellbeing.

You know, I, anything
I did was at a selfish.

And self-seeking motives.

so eventually.


Came to a point where I just, I
couldn't live like that anymore.

And I decided I was going to get sober.

It was a process, but I
eventually did get sober.

it took a couple of
times, a few times trying.

But, as that played out, I was
in a fellowship that, supported

that, that talked about God.

so I was, given the opportunity to
explore a relationship with God.

That's what I would call it.

And that was helpful.

And I did.

Did get sober and I changed in
a lot of ways and it was better.

During that time I met my wife.

actually I met her before we
both got sober, but we got sober.

And then she had a relapse.


I stayed sober.

Which was a miracle.

She ended up getting sober and staying
sober, which was another miracle.

we were together for a bout 10 years.

We ended up getting married.

we had been together, been sober,
working hard, involved in recovery.

you know, everything looked really
good and, and was really good.

It's up.

Fundamentally I had not changed.

It was still about me doing the work.

It was still, you know, I could
say the things like I was powerless

and I needed God and all of that.

But somewhere, obviously deep inside.

I still thought I was doing.

What was being done?

And so at 10 years sober, I thought
I had become a different person.

I found myself in a situation
where I was doing things that,

uh, no godly man should be doing.

and I couldn't blame it
on drugs and alcohol.

And so I almost.

Killed our marriage.


It was very.


it was very hard.

Um, And so.

Prey, just praise God.

She's such a strong person.

You know, when we were
going through this thing,

I expected her to just give up on me.

I really did and would not have
blamed her, but she stood by me and

she just said, I believe in you.

And I know who you are.

And we're going to make this work.

And I held onto her faith.

And, through that process.


Was I, I want to start going to church.

And I did too.

I was just, I was ready, you know?

So we started, going to different
churches, just looking for a church home.

it was very hard.

There was a lot of things to work through.

But the Lord just really held our hands
through all that and walked us through.

So, uh, when we were talking about, you
know, where we wanted to go to church.

And, kind of what our backgrounds
were and you know, what.

What we thought we needed.

And I was like, I don't know
where I want to go to church,

but I'm absolutely certain, I do
not want to go to a mega church.

That's the only thing I know.

well, during this time, a really
good friend of mine had sent us a

sermon series on the song of Solomon.

And it along with a series on
marriage done by Jordan Peterson.

And the counseling that
we were going through.

I would point to as
what saved our marriage.

Eh, and not them in particular,
but those were the things that

pointed us to Jesus as the answer.

And so we started bouncing around to
different churches and we end up going

to the church that the pastor that had
done the song of Solomon series on.

And low and behold, it's a mega charge.

And, uh, but we're like, we're
just going to give it a try.

You know, we're not going
to end up going there, but.

We ended up walking in the door and we
weren't there 10 minutes and we looked

at each other and we're deciding,
you know, this feels like home.

Which was amazing.

And so we started going to
church there and, Just the.

The spirit there.

Was so prevalent and so strong.

And so it hooked us.

so we started going to church there
and we're still working through our

stuff and, Part of what they recommend
is getting into a discipleship group.

so we're like, okay, we're going
to get into discipleship group.

And the first one we go to, we just.

I don't know how to explain it.

Other than, you know, the Lord has ordered
our staffs and they, he led us right

into this discipleship group with this.

Beautiful group of people that
just have walked with a us.


Lifted us


And cried with us.

Uh, and laughed with us and, uh,
So we get into this discipleship

group and, um, I end up having
this experience at home one day.

my wife and I were separated.

I had come home.

I had just kind of laid on the bed.

I wasn't.

Trying to nap.

I wasn't trying to pray.

I wasn't trying to meditate.

I just kind of.

Laid down and I had this experience,
uh, For a while I laid there that I

don't really know how to describe.

But in this experience I began to see.

What I had done and my marriage.

From my point of view from the beginning.

Up until I was laying there in the bed.

And as I did, I had
this weight on my chest.

I couldn't get up.

It was a, uh, tactile white.

It was like somebody had
said a huge rock on my chest.

That was growing and growing and growing.

And I got to where I was laying
there in the bad and it flipped over.

And I began to see that same experience
from my wife's point of view.

And I saw the damage I had done and the
hurt that I had caused and the betrayal.

And that rock just kept grow and grow.

And then when I got.


It was kind of a loop.

And when I got to the point where that
had started from her point of view,

I had this thought, this
revelation that I needed a savior.

And immediately the face of Jesus met me.


I, it was like, I was
looking into his eyes.

And that weight lifted.

And I could feel again, I couldn't move.

But I knew at that moment
that I had been saved.

And, that just ignited
a passion in me too.

Seek the Lord.

He met me with truth and he says, I
am the way the truth and the life.

And for me, he met me with truth.

And the truth was the.

I was not a quote unquote good man.

Um, But I did desire to be better.

And that he was the only way
that was going to happen.

I can't describe the.

Guilt and shame and remorse.

And I was just disgusted with myself.

And when he appeared in my vision.

And my eyes were shut and, you
know, but when he appeared to me

face-to-face, that was lifted.

And I knew at that point, That
he had died on the cross for me.

And that.


Needed to live my life for him.

And so since then it's been a journey.

Of how do I do that?


Going back.

We were in the discipleship group.

We, we both get baptized.

And then we run into.

Another really hard time.

Yeah, no, I was thinking
I'm getting bad ties.

This is going to be pretty much a straight
shot from here to the right hand of God.

and that wasn't exactly how it
went, but, What happened is my

wife had a really bad relapse.

And the Lord provided me an
opportunity to stand by her.

And it was such a beautiful thing.

It was, very scary.

It was heart-wrenching.

it was, One of the hardest things.

I've ever been through.

But it was completely different.

With the Lord.

so I was able to stand
by her and love her.


Pray for her.

And we ended up getting
her into treatment.

And, uh, She picked the place.

And so she was going to go to treatment
and just before she left, Things

had taken a turn for the worse.

And, in that time, the Lord had brought
a good friend of ours back into our

life that we had known previously, who,
when we got baptized, she reached out.

And she was like, Hey, I hear you
been given the keys to the kingdom.

And so, she became just
a pivotal person and.


Walk with the Lord.

So it came down to the day the, my wife
was, going to treatment and things needed

to change and it was just kind of chaos.

And I ended up calling.

Andrea and saying, Hey, you know, I'm
I was sitting in my truck, crying.

Just like, I don't know what to do.

And she said, well, where are you?

I said, I'm at the shops
that I'm three minutes away.

So she comes over, gets in the truck.

Lays hands.

Hands on me and begins to pray.

And the holy spirit fills the truck.

I mean the temperature lowered.

I felt peace.

I felt calm.

Nothing had changed, but
everything was different.

So we then needed to go and talk to Aaron
and say, Hey, look, you know, I know

you're supposed to go on to treatment,
but we're actually going to detox first.

She was less than excited about that.

But we got through that.

and, Looking back.

I can see how.

The Lord just has surrounded
me with the people,

Really the person who spent the most time.

And the most energy and probably prayed
for me more than anybody else in my life.

With somebody I've known now for 30 years.

And he's, he's always
walked with the Lord.

We both had our struggles and our
stories kind of intermingle with

the drugs and the alcohol and stuff.


Looking back.

I can see God put him in my life long ago.

And he earned the right.

To speak.


And to me.

And to speak to me about the Lord.

And he and his family showed
up the day we got baptized.

It's just been a beautiful.


I mean, I don't even know how
to describe how the Lord works.

But looking back, it's
so obvious that he does.

You know, it's always hard
when I'm moving forward.

To see.

How the Lord is working.

But when I look back, it's
always so obvious, and I

just wonder, like you had a.


If I had known that the whole time I'd
have just gone along willingly with

a good attitude and you and a half.

So we get through that period of time.

So after I got baptized, A good friend
of mine was struggling with some

mental issues and, and errands relapse.

Probably 60 to 90 days
after I got baptized.

Was a real test of faith.

I really feel like,
um, I was being tested.

And I was very new.

To faith.

so I didn't have a lot of
experience to fall back on.

But I did have a lot of people.

That had faith.

They were speaking life and to
me, and that were walking with me

and that loved us through that.

We get through that period.

And, Aaron's doing great now.

Oh, what I wanted to say about
her rehab experience was.

So she picks out this place in
south Florida because it's the one

place she can get a private room.

She doesn't have to share
a room with somebody.

And, uh, so we end up finally,
we get her down there.

She walks in and is talking with the.

Clinical director and the
conversation turns to faith.

And she's like, yes, I am a believer.

And it just so happens that
this place has four counselors.

All of them are believers.

And so for the next 30 days,
They speak the word over her.

Now she's been to treatment before.

More than once.

But the experience of being there.

And them speaking the word over
her speaking life and to her was.


I mean, I don't have words to describe
what that did for her and for me, And what

we learned through all of that is the.

We need.

To each be seeking Jesus.

If we want to be closer to each other.

And the closer we get to him,
the closer we get to each other.

And that has changed our relationship.

it's been.

Just incredible.

The change that has happened
in our relationship.

Through Just that one change.

And changing each person's focus.

so now, you know, we are both.

Doing our best to walk with the Lord and
we spend our time with other believers.

We spend our time.

Doing things that try to add
a fire, him and ourselves.

there's still challenges.

There always are challenges.

but the challenges are
his and not mine now.

You know, there's such a freedom.

And walking with the Lord.


Now we're we're rooted.

I really feel like we're
rooted as a family.

And, The last thing I really
wanted to talk about you in a God.

There's so many things the Lord has done.

Just the people he's put in our lives.

so now, we're trying to walk with the Lord
and, an old friend of mine, somebody that

I have known for seven or eight years.

We've been really good friends and,
through our relationship, he had seen me.

Come to the Lord and.

And we got to talking about that and.


I saw how that ignited in
him, a fire for the Lord.


And as God.

Does, he just shifted things around And
so now he's actually working with us.

so, I get to spend my work day.

Talking about Jesus.


Oddly enough, six months ago I
was ready to sell my business.

I just didn't feel like
there was purpose in it.

I, um, Was overwhelmed
just with the work aspect.

And there, they were just
things that I was like, I don't

know if I can do this anymore.

so we got to talk in, you know,
I've got to talking about Jesus

and, he eventually came on.

And since then, my work is what
I do for a living, but it's

not what I do to pay the bills.


So much in my life, looking back
to even BN, uh, Very young person.

My life was about what
I did to pay the bills.

and so much of my.

meaning self-esteem self-worth.

Really centered around.

How I got the bills paid.

And so now while I'm riding around
doing locksmiths stuff, in between

I get to talk about, okay, so
how can we advance the kingdom?

How, how can I be a
better disciple of Jesus?

What can I do to help others see the
Lord and the goodness and the grace and

the mercy that's available to them to.

And now works not working anymore.

You know, so a good portion
of my life is spent, whether

it is talking with my friend.

That works with me or
talking with my friend that.

Helped bring me to the Lord or talking
with my wife or talking with my friend

that has been brought back into our lives.

So much of my life is spent just.

Forgetting not his benefits.

The, the thing that I held on to during
that time, that time after I got baptized.

Was God is at work and all things.

For the good of those who love him and
are called according to his purpose.

And I can tell you, I
quoted that scripture.

10,000 times.

During that period.

And God proved that true.

And it's something that as I face new
challenges, I can reflect back on.

And say, you know, God is
at work and all things.

For the good of those who love him and
are called according to his purpose.

And if that's true.

And I know it is.

Then he's at work and whatever
it is I'm facing today.

Whatever challenge it is, whatever
monumental task, whatever.

Thing that I just can't
seem to wrap my head around.

God has to be at work and this thing too.

And so it takes my mind off
of what it is that I'm facing.

And it sets my mind on things above.

So one of the scriptures
that I've memorized of light.

Has been Colossians three, one through 17.

And I often go back the first-line and
there, if then you were raised with

Christ set your mind on things above.

Not on things of this earth.

And so when I find myself in these
challenges, That's my challenge.

To set my mind on him.

To take my mind off of
what's in front of me.

And to set my mind on what's above.

And what I find is that when I
do that, the temperature lowers

the fear lessens the problem
isn't quite as big as it seemed.

And I'm able to just place
my trust in the Lord.

And when I do that.

He's at work.

And all things.



Um, I'm so grateful, W when you
reached out to me about doing

this, I was super excited.

You know, part of the walk
as learning, how to walk.

I'm don't have a lot of experience.

You know, when, when I say that I
don't have, I didn't grow up in church.

I had, you know, I don't
know all the things.

But what I've learned is that
the Lord is very gracious.

And, uh, that he fills that gap.

You know, and I really do
believe that if I will.

Give what I have.

He'll give what I need.


What I always like to ask people is.

If there's one.

Bit of wisdom that you could pass on
to somebody who's out there in the

future, listening to this podcast.

And, you know, the Lord is going to
do it, and he's going to put somebody

there that needs to hear this.

What would that one piece of wisdom be?

love the Lord, thy God, with all
my Heart mind, soul and strength.

And love your neighbor as yourself.

I don't know.

How much wisdom I have.


I do know.

That if I trust in the Lord.

He will provide what I need.

And I had to let go of
getting what I want.

And seek what I need.

Today I'm, uh, that I can trust
the Lord that he has plans for

me and plans for me to prosper.

I always thought I needed
to do the prospering.


What the Lord provides is so much
better than what I would look for.

Every time.

Every single time.


That's been my experience too.

Is there anything else you want to add?

No just, Gratitude.

Like a deep and abiding gratitude for.

For the way the Lord has worked in my
life or the people that he's surrounded

me with for the opportunities, the.

That I've been given, you know, so many
times I have squandered opportunities.

That I don't know that I
deserved another chance.


I trust that he knows better than I do.

So I just want to.

Be a good and faithful servant.

I want to do what he wants me to do.

I want to see the things
that he wants for me.

And that is not always easy.

You know, it's not easy
giving up 50 years of,


You know, I don't know how else to
describe it other than patterns.

And taking on the pattern
that he has designed for me.

That's my deepest desire.

to be the man that he called me to be.

And in that.

Him being glorified.

And not me.

Well, John, thank you so much
for doing this and taking

the time to tell your story.

It's uh, Really been a blessing.

Would you pray for our listeners?


I just think you, I thank you for your.

Faithfulness your goodness,
your gentleness, your kindness.

I thank you for your patience.

I think you.


The opportunity.

To sit down and talk
with the talk about you.

With a good friend.

I thank you for the listeners.

I pray for that listener that
might hear that one thing.

That brings them closer to you.

I thank you most for the
finished work of your son.

Jesus Christ on the cross that made
it possible for us to be here today.

I thank you for your love.

I thank you for the holy spirit.

I just pray that this entire
world would turn to you.


And we would all see queue.

That we would lay aside our
plans, our designs, or her.

Care's our concerns, our
worries, our dreams, our hopes.

Lay them at your feet.

And seek your will.

And that's everyone.

From the people that are
struggling today with whatever

it is that they struggle with.

Uh, to people in positions of power.

Politicians, those making
decisions that affect.

Millions of people.

I just prayed that they would
turn to you for guidance.

And I pray that.

In that this world would come to know you.

Come to know your justice,
your mercy, your love.

Your grace.

And I just pray that that
would make this world.

I pray that your kingdom would come
on our earth as it is in heaven.

I think you for the model.

Of Jesus Christ and how to live our
life and how to love our neighbor.

And I just pray that.

I would continue to seek that
as a model for my own life.

And that I would be a good steward
of the gifts that you have given me.


Trying to help others
that are seeking the same.

In Jesus' name?

I pray.


All right, man.

Cailin: We hope you've been
blessed by today's story.

if you've heard something that you think
could help someone you know, please share

it using the link in the show notes.

Also, if you will give Faith and Purpose a
positive review on your podcast platform,

you could help more people find it.

You will probably never know how
that small effort can make a big

difference in someone's life,
but our Heavenly Father knows.

Speaking of sharing, if you know a Jesus
follower with a story to tell, please send

them a link to Faith and Purpose Podcast.

It may encourage them to tell their story.

That person may even be you.

Our only criteria is
that Jesus be glorified.

It's all about Jesus.

So when you're ready to tell how Jesus
has impacted your life, you can let Jesse

know at his ministry website, jesseduke.


There you can download guidelines
that will make it easy to

prepare to tell your story.

Thank you for listening today and Shalom.

John Crow
Broadcast by